LNMU Session 2023-27 Part 1 result: Lalit Narayan Mithila University Darbhanga has released the result of the first semester of four-year graduation course session 2023-27. Arts, Science and Commerce students can check and download the UG Sem 1 result from the official website of the university. The 1st semester exam was completed in January, after which students were waiting for their results and after almost 6 months, the result has been released today by the university.
LNMU Session 2023-27 1st Semester Result Download
Mithila University Darbhanga has released the result of the first semester of four-year graduation course session 2023-27. Arts, Science and Commerce students can check and download the UG Sem 1 result from the official website of the university. The 1st semester exam was completed in January, after which students were waiting for their results and after almost 6 months, the result has been released today by the university. Check BA/B.Sc/B.Com 1st Sem Result with Your University Roll Number
Due to semester system and new syllabus and pattern, there might have been a delay in releasing the result, we can say that there was no news from the university regarding the result in the meantime. Students were continuously commenting that when will the result of session 2023-27 1st semester come and no one had any definite information about it. Now when the assignments of Semester 2 are being given in some colleges, the result of Semester 1 has been released. Well, the link to download LNMU Session 2023-27 Part 1 Result is given below, you can download your result by clicking on the link.
After downloading the marksheet, you will get to see the marks of all your subjects like MJC, MIC, IDC etc. internal exams or mid-semester exams and external exams. In the marksheet you will also see grade letters A, A++, B, B++ etc. grade points 9, 8, 7 etc. and SGPA.
Information about the passing marks in Semester 1 is given at the end of this article.
"मार्कशीट डाउनलोड करने के बाद आपको अपने सभी विषयों जैसे एमजेसी, एमआईसी, आईडीसी आदि आंतरिक परीक्षाओं या मध्य सेमेस्टर परीक्षाओं और बाहरी परीक्षाओं के अंक देखने को मिलेंगे। मार्कशीट में आपको ग्रेड लेटर ए, ए++, बी, बी++ आदि ग्रेड प्वाइंट 9, 8, 7 आदि और एसजीपीए भी दिखाई देंगे।
सेमेस्टर 1 में उत्तीर्ण अंकों की जानकारी इस लेख के अंत में दी गई है।"
👉Session 2023-27 Marksheet Download karne ke liye yanha click kare
How to Download
- First of all you have to go to this website of the university "https://lnmuniversity.com/LNMU_ERP/Home.aspx"
- After that you have to click on "View Result"
- You have to enter your university roll number
- click on search
- Result will appear on your screen, download that mark sheet.
- सबसे पहले आपको यूनिवर्सिटी के इस वेबसाइट पे जाना होगा "https://lnmuniversity.com/LNMU_ERP/Home.aspx"
- उसके बाद आपको "व्यू रिजल्ट" पे क्लिक करना होगा
- आपको अपना यूनिवर्सिटी रोल नंबर एंटर करना होगा
- सर्च पे क्लिक करे
- आपके स्क्रीन पे रिजल्ट दिखाई देगा, उस मार्कशीट को डाउनलोड कर लीजिये
UG Session 2023-27 1st Semester Result Date LNMU DARBHANGA
- 13.06.2024 (BCOM)
- 24.06.2024 (BSC)
Download link
👉Session 2023-27 Marksheet Download karne ke liye yanha click kare
Semester 2 Admission
Semester 2 Assignment
Semester 2 Mid-semester exam or internal exam
UG 1st Semester Full marks
- End Semester exam (ESE) or External exam : 70 marks
- Continuous Internal Assessment (C1A) or internal exam or Mid-semester exam : 30 Marks
UG 1st semester Pass Marks
- End Semester exam (ESE) or External exam : 31.5 out of 70 marks
- Continuous Internal Assessment (C1A) or internal exam or Mid-semester exam : 14 out of 30 Marks (approx)
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