LNMU UG Session 2023-27 Semester 2 exam form, online apply, link, fee, documents, exam date @lnmu.ac.in

LNMU UG SESSION 2023-27 2nd Semester Exam : Lalit Narayan Mithila University Darbhanga has activated the link to fill the exam form for Graduation Session 2023-27 Semester 2. From today i.e. from September 09, students can fill the online examination form, fill the examination form online on the official website of the university, lnmu.ac.in and submit it to their college. Some important information related to the examination form like how to fill the formWhich documents are required, how much is the fee for filling the exam form and when can the final exam (ESE) of Semester 2 be held? You can read the answers to some such questions in this article. So read this article carefully till the end, you will get all the information. 

"ललित नारायण मिथिला विश्वविद्यालय दरभंगा ने स्नातक सत्र 2023-27 सेमेस्टर 2 के लिए परीक्षा फॉर्म भरने के लिए लिंक एक्टिव कर दिया है। आज से यानी 09 सितंबर से छात्र ऑनलाइन परीक्षा फॉर्म भर सकते हैं, विश्वविद्यालय की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट lnmu.ac.in पर ऑनलाइन परीक्षा फॉर्म भरकर अपने कॉलेज में जमा कर सकते हैं। परीक्षा फॉर्म से जुड़ी कुछ महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी जैसे फॉर्म कैसे भरें? कौन-कौन से डॉक्यूमेंट चाहिए, परीक्षा फॉर्म भरने की फीस कितनी है और सेमेस्टर 2 की अंतिम परीक्षा (ESE) कब हो सकती है? ऐसे ही कुछ सवालों के जवाब आप इस आर्टिकल में पढ़ सकते हैं। इसलिए इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक ध्यान से पढ़ें, आपको सारी जानकारी मिल जाएगी। "

Post Name LNMU Session 2023-27 Semester 2 exam 2024
Category Exam
University Lalit Narayan Mithila University (LNMU) Darbhanga, Bihar
Exam form fill up Date Starts from 06.09.2024
Last Date (Without fine) 10.09.2024
Last Date (With Normal fine) 11.09.2024 - 13.09.2024 (re-opened on 20.09.2024 for the same day)
Exam type External (End Semester Exam)
Official Website www.lnmu.ac.in
Exam form fill-up Link https://lnmuniversity.com/ug2327/login.aspx
Official Notice Available (Below)

👉 हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करे 

LNMU UG Session 2023-27 2nd Semester Examination form 

Mithila University Darbhanga has activated the link to fill the exam form for Graduation Session 2023-27 Semester 2. Today i.e. from 21 August, students can fill the online examination form without late fee, they can fill the examination form online on the official website of the university, lnmu.ac.in and submit it to their college. If you are also a student of graduation session 2023-27 B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, then there is some important information related to the examination form like how to fill the form? Which documents are required, how much is the fee for filling the exam form and when can the final exam of Semester 2  be held? You can read the answers to some such questions in this article.
You will be able to fill the examination form on 28th to 31st August with late fee of Rs 30.

After filling the examination form online, students will submit a copy of the form to their respective colleges (keep a copy of examination form safe with you). If any kind of error occurs while filling the form, the college has been asked to make corrections and (students can submit the examination form to the college itself). If there is any mistake while filling the form, the date for correcting it online is from 2nd to 4th September.

LNMU UG Session 2023-27 semester 2 exam

LNMU UG 2nd Semester Exam date 2024

The 2nd semester external exam (final exam) of the four year BA/BSC/B.COM course under CBCS is to be held from 20th September. 

Which exam is this?

As you know graduation will now be a 4 year course with a total of 8 semesters to complete. You will be given two semester examinations in a year. As you have recently given the examination of 1st semester, similarly this is the final examination of 2nd Semester which will be conducted by the university (that is why it is also called external exam). This is the final exam of your Second semester, after passing it you will go to the next semester i.e. Semester 3.
For this, your examination form will be filled online, admit card will be issued, and then you will have to go to the exam center and give this examination.

The exam you gave in college was called internal exam or mid semester exam, now the exam you are going to give will be called external exam (final exam of semester 2 or End Semester Exam) and this exam will be taken by the university and its question paper will also come/set from the university.

Why this exam?

The full marks of the exam in the college in which you appeared were 30 and as the full marks of a paper is 100, then the exam of the remaining 70 marks also has to be taken so that the entire 100 marks exam can be completed. That is why now the university will conduct the examination for the remaining 70 marks. And its question paper will also be set by the university.
Questions can be set from anywhere in the entire syllabus of Semester 2. You will have to appear for all the subjects shown in your exam form.


  • Fee - 600 /- (Per semester)

Documents Required

  • University Roll Number (Written on your Registration slip or Admit card of 1st Semester) 
  • Registered Mobile number 
  • ABC ID 
  • Semester 2 Admission Slip (Only for checking subject name like AEC, SEC, VAC, IDC etc.
  • Photo and Signature (if required)

Exam Date 

  • Start - 20th September (expected)

Admit card download

  • Available from 3-4 days before exam 

Semester 2 External/final exam duration :

  • 3 Hour only (according to the paper)

Exam full marks

  • full marks : 70

Question Paper Pattern of External exam/Final exam

  • Group A Objective type Question/MCQs - 10 Question ( Total 20 Marks), Questions of 2 mark each, All questions are compulsory
  • Group B - Short Answer type question - 4 Questions to be answered out of 6 Questions, each question carry 5 marks (Total marks : 20)
  • Group C long Answer type questions - 3 Questions To be answered out of 5 Questions, each question carry 10 Marks ( Total Marks : 30)
  • Please download and read syllabus of your subject for all the confirmation 

Subject wise Routine

  • Routine/schedule not available 

Exam center

  • Will be Mentioned in the routine/admit card 

Semester 2 Final exam or external exam syllabus 


  1. Promoted or passed in 1st semester
  2. Passed in 2nd semester internal exam
  3. Must have ABC ID

Online Correction in Examination form

  • 14.09.2024 to 15.09.2024

How to fill Exam form

To fill the examination form of Mithila University Semester 2 for the session 2023-27, follow the steps given below:
  1. First go to the given link : https://lnmuniversity.com/ug2327/login.aspx
  2. After that enter your “University Roll Number” and “Mobile Number
  3. After that click on "Login"
  4. Check your details and Edit according to your details (Enter ABC ID and Select VAC, AEC, SEC etc. )
  5. Click on "Click Here to Proceed"
  6. make payment
  7. After completion of payment, take a print out of the exam form.
  8. Submit a copy of the form to your college and keep a copy safe with yourself.

Watch this Youtube Video 

UG Semester 2 Exam form fill up link LNMU Darbhanga

The link to fill the exam form of Graduation (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com) Session 2023-27 Semester 2 is given below:

lnmu ug semester 2 exam form

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