LNMU PG Session 2024-26 Admission Online Apply, link, Documents, Fee, Eligibility, Subject List, College List @lnmu.ac.in

LNMU PG 2024-26 ADMISSION : The process of filling the online application form for admission in Lalit Narayan Mithila University for PG session 2024-26 will start from 8 September 2024. Before applying online, some important information which can be useful for you like PG College ListRequired DocumentsAdmission Fee, etc. can be read below. All students taking admission in MA, MSC, MCOM 2024 read carefully

👉हिंदी में पढने के लिए यंहा क्लिक करे  

  • 1. How to apply online for admission in PG 2024 ?
  • 2. Which are the PG colleges in LNMU Darbhanga?
  • 3. How many PG colleges are there in Mithila University
  • 4. What are the PG subjects offered in LNMU Darbhanga?
  • 5. How many semester exams are there in PG
  • 6. How many marks are required for admission in PG
  • 7. Can I change the subject in PG
  • 8. How much is the fee to apply online
  • 9. what is the qualification
  • 10. What are the documents required for admission in PG

Will try to explain and answer such questions one by one in detail. read this article carefully

LNMU PG Admission session 2024-26

The process of filling the online application form for admission in Mithila University Darbhanga for PG session 2024-26 will start from 08 September 2024. Before applying online, some important information which can be useful for you like PG College ListRequired DocumentsAdmission Fee, etc. can be read below. All students taking admission in MA, MSC, MCOM (Semester 1) 2024 read carefully.
According to the released information, like last time students were Admitted on the basis of marks obtained in their graduation without Entrance Exam, similarly this time also it has been decided to take admission without Entrance Exam.

  • Online applications will be taken for admission in PG Semester 1 SESSION 2024 -26 from 08 September to 21 September 2024.

Online application for first semester in PG session 2024-26 of Lalit Narayan Mithila University will be held for more than 14,066 seats in 23 subjects.

Before taking admission in post graduation, you should know some important things which will further help you in taking admission.

Let's start with the first question -

What is PG course?

  • The full form of PG is Post Graduation which you can do only after your graduation. You can apply for admission in PG after completing 3 years of graduation (As per now). This is a master's degree course which is completed in 2 years. If PG is done with any subject of arts then it is called MA, if PG is done with any subject of science then it is called M.Sc and if it is done with any subject of commerce then it is called M.Com.
  • If you want to become a lecturer / assistant professor or professor in college, then you will need a PG degree. There are many other fields where you will need this degree.

How many semester exams are there in PG?

  • PG courses in Indian universities are completed under the "CBCS" system i.e. "Choice Based Credit System". It consists of total 4 semesters which are completed in 2 years, assume that one semester exam is taken every 6 months.

How to apply for admission in PG?

  • All the information is being given keeping Mithila University Darbhanga in mind.
  • University releases the notice for admission in PG, after that students have to fill the online application form, based on the details filled by the students, the university releases the merit list. According to the merit list, students take admission in the college.
  • Let me tell you that for the last 3 years, entrance exam is not being conducted for PG admission in LNMU. Before 2020 entrance exams were taken.

What is the eligibility criteria for admission in PG?

  • Students should have passed graduation from any college or university (recognized by state government or government of India).

How many marks are required for admission?

  • For taking admission in PG from Honours Subject, 45% marks are required and 
  • for admission from Subsidiary Subject, 55% marks are required. 
  • 55% marks have also been made mandatory in allied subjects, as per the permission of the state government, PG from allied subjects will be only in Physics, Botany and Zoology.

Can I change the subject in PG admission?

  • The subject from which you want to do PG, you should have studied that subject in graduation, that is, you can do PG from any one of the subjects which were in your graduation. 
  • You can do PG from your Honours or Subsidiary subject only, apart from this you cannot take any other subject.
  • If somehow you change your subject in PG, then you may face problems in future.

10. What are the documents required for admission in PG

What all we will need during the process of filling online application form for LNMU Darbhanga M.A, M.SC, M.COM? The important things you will need to start the application process are listed below:

For Online Application:

  1. Passport size photo (Less  than 100 KB)
  2. Signature (Less than 100 KB)
  3. Email ID (Active)
  4. Mobile Number (Active)
  5. Special Quota Certificate (if applicable)
  6. Graduation Part 3 Marksheet

  Documents required for admission in college

  • 8. EWS CERTIFICATE (Wherever Applicable)
  • 8. Four passport size self attested photographs "4 passport size photo".
  • 9. Any other document required by the University/College.
  • After the release of the merit list, you will also need the selection letter and the Common Application Form (CAF - Keep the filled online application form safe with you).

Online Application Fee

  • Online Application Fee - ₹ 750.00
  • with late fine 750 + 100 = 850



Event LNMU PG Admission 2024
Category Admission
University Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga
Session 2024-26
Course M.A, M.SC, M.COM
Online Application Start 08.09.2024
Last date 18.09.2024
Last date (with late fine of 100 Rupees) 19.09.2024 - 21.09.2024 extended till 23.09.2024
Correction in Online Application form 24.09.2024 - 25.09.2024 extended date 26.09.2024 - 27.09.2024
Provisional Merit list 23.09.2024 extended date 25.09.2024
Official Website lnmu.ac.in
Online Apply link Click Here
PG 1st Merit list 02.10.2024
Combined Merit list 27.09.2024
Admission in colleges (on first merit list) 04.10.2024 - 15.10.2024
Admission in colleges (on Waiting list) NA
Class Start 17.10.2024

LNMU PG Subject List

In LNMU Darbhanga, at present PG courses are taught in a total of 24 subjects. You can see the names of all the subjects below:

  1. Hindi
  2. Botany 
  3. commerce
  4. Geography
  5. English 
  6. Economics
  7. Home Science 
  8. Mathematics (science)
  9. Zoology
  10. Mathematics (arts)
  11. Physics
  12. AIH (Ancient Indian History)
  13. History
  14. Maithili
  15. Philosophy
  16. Psychology
  17. Sanskrit
  18. Urdu
  19. Political Science
  20. Sociology
  21. Chemistry
  22. Music
  23. Dramatics
  24. Persian 

Allied Subject List

  1. Physics
  2. Zoology
  3. Botany

Admission In Allied Subjects

UniversityLalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga
Category PG Admission
Main Subject Allied Subjects
  1. Group -A : B.Tech/B.E in Electronics/Electrical and Electronics/Electronics and Communication Engineering/Electronic and Instrumentation/Computer Science/Information and  Communication Technology/Material Science/Nano Science/Nano Technology/Energy Studies
  2. Group -B : B.SC Honours in Mathematics with Physics as Subsidiary Subject./B.SC Honours in Chemistry with Physics and Mathematics as Subsidiary Subject./B.SC Honours in Geology with Physics and Mathematics as Subsidiary Subject./B.SC Honours in Electronics with Mathematics as Subsidiary Subject./B.SC Honours in Statistics with Physics and Mathematics as Subsidiary Subject./ B.SC Honours in Computer Science with Physics and Mathematic as Subsidiary Subject./ Three Year Degree Course with Physics and Mathematics as Subsidiary Subject
  3. Group -C: B.SC in Applied physics with Mathematics/B.SC in Energy Studies with Mathematics/B.SC in Material Science with Mathematics/B.SC in Nano Science with Mathematics/
  • B.SC/B.Tech in Biotechnology/Environmental Science/Micro-Biology/Life Science/Bio-Chemistry
  • Zoology
    • B.SC/B.Tech in Biotechnology/Environmental Science/Micro-Biology/Life Science/Bio-Chemistry

    PG Semester 1 College Admission fee

    • Admission Fees : 2560-3110* Rupees (For OBC category Boys)
    • SC/ST Boys and Girls : No College Admission fee i.e 0 admission fee
    • Girls (General/OBC/SC/ST) : No College Admission fee i.e 0 admission fee
    *Admission fees can be less or more according to the college and according to the caste or Subjects. 


    CategoryCollege list
    University Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga 
    District PG college List
    1. PG Department, LNMU Darbhanga
    2. C.M.Science Colleege
    3. C.M College
    4. M.R.M College
    5. M.L.S.M College
    6. Millat College 
    1. R.K College, Madhubani
    1. Samastipur College Samastipur,
    2. B.R.B COLLEGE, 
    3. R.B College Dalingsarai
    1. G.D College, Begusarai
    2. A.P.S.M College, Barauni
    3. S.B.S.S College, Begusarai 
    Note: Any change in this detail will be updated after the notification of the university.

    PG (Post Graduate) Seat List LNMU Darbhanga

    1. R.K College, Madhubani - 2090 Seats
    2. Samastipur College Samastipur - 1370 Seats
    3. B.R.B COLLEGE - 650 seats
    4. R.B College Dalingsarai - 570 Seats
    5. G.D College, Begusarai - 3990 Seats
    6. A.P.S.M College, Barauni - 1370 Seats
    7. S.B.S.S College, Begusarai - 384 Seats
    8. PG Department, LNMU Darbhanga - 
    9. C.M.Science Colleege - 500 Seats
    10. C.M College - 1700 Seats
    11. M.R.M College - 1220 Seats
    12. M.L.S.M College - 100 Seats
    13. Millat College - 312 Seats
    Note : The total number of seats in PG colleges may be more or less than the information given above.

    PG Subjects List With Number Of Total Seats

    1. Hindi - 1300 Seats
    2. Botany - 770 Seats
    3. commerce - 1380 Seats
    4. Geography - 600 Seats
    5. English - 1180 Seats
    6. Economics - 1080 Seats
    7. Home Science - 150 Seats
    8. Mathematics (science) - 892 Seats
    9. Zoology - 1014 Seats
    10. Mathematics (arts) - 60 Seats
    11. Physics - 770 Seats
    12. AIH (Ancient Indian History) - 360 Seats
    13. History - 1580 Seats
    14. Maithili - 360 Seats
    15. Philosophy - 360 Seats
    16. Psychology - 1320 Seats
    17. Sanskrit - 360 Seats
    18. Urdu - 600 Seats
    19. Political Science -1330 Seats
    20. Sociology - 240 Seats
    21. Chemistry - 970 Seats
    22. Music - 150 Seats
    23. Dramatics - 120 Seats
    24. Persian - 120
    Note : The above seat list information is taken from a news published in the newspaper.

    Youtube Video :

    Steps to be followed for filling the online application

    The entire process of filling online Application form can be completed in below steps.
    The steps are:
    For Registration - 
    • 1. Register yourself for the online application process at the PG-1st Sem. 2022
    • 2. Activate your online Application with the Email ID and Your Activation Code send it to your submitted Email ID / Mobile No. in registration process.
    • 3. The applicant is required to fill his “Personal information” after login. The application form will appear on the screen. The applicant is required to fill up the details in the application form.
    • 4. In the next step, the applicant is required to upload scanned image file of his/her Photograph and Signature one by one.
    • 5. In the next step, the applicant is required to fill the Educational Information.
    • 6. Once all the details are filled in, the candidate is required to Review the details entered and Confirm. No edit will be allowed once the application is confirmed.
    • 7. Payment of fee's through online.
    Step 1: 

    Step 2: 

    When you click the "New Registration button", you will be shown a Registration Form asking for various details. Fill All the Required Details. Once you fill all the details, click  the "Sign up" button at the bottom for completing the registration process.


    After Clicking on "Sign Up" Button, Click on " Confirm" Button

    Step 3: Activation and validation of Registration:

    On successful submission of registration details, you would be shown a confirmation message on
    the screen. You will also receive an e-mail on the e-mail ID provided by you in the Registration
    Form and a validation code on your registered mobile number. This email will contain an activation link. You should click on this activation link to confirm and complete your registration process.

    Step 4 : Click on the Activation link received in the Email. This is the Most Important Step. 

    • On clicking the activation link, you will be directed to the validation page in which you are required to give the validation code sent on your registered mobile number or Email ID. Enter the validation code received on your registered mobile number or Email ID to complete the registration process.

    • On successful validation, you will be allowed login and directed to My Application Section.

    Now, to fill the Application form 

    Step 1: After activation and validation of your Registration, you can login into the Application Portal.
    • After Login, Click on "My Application" Tab, as shown in picture below :

    • Step 2: Now on My Application page select the ”Programme Name” and click on "proceed button".
    • Check confirmation and Click on "Add the Course" Button
    Now click on Application Details at left menu, the application detail page will show. 

    Step 3 : Fill All the Required Details, such as :
    • Name 
    • Father's name 
    • Mother's name
    • Category 
    • Gender
    • Date of Birth 
    • Permanent Address
    • Corrospondance Address
    • Aadhar Card Number
    • Etc .. 
    Step : Now, Upload your "Photo" and "Signature

    Step 5 : Fill your "Educational Details", Such as : 
    • Course
    • University name
    • Full Marks
    • Obtained Marks
    • Passing Year
    Step 6 : Now you have to upload the supporting document (Part 3 MARKSHEET) for your Education details ( Size Should be less than 200 KB)

    Step : After document Upload you have to select your "College Preferences"

    After final College preferences you form preview page will open, please make sure that your all details are correct, Now check the tick mark on " I CONFIRM THE ABOVE" at below of this page and click on “Confirm & Submit” button. 

    After that system will show you the "Proceed to Payment button" to complete the payment.

    Payment For the Application :

    Step 8: You will get drop-down for "Payment Type” here you can get "ONLINE "Payment type. Click here to make payment. 

    Step 9:  Click 'Proceed to Pay' .
    After a successful payment you can take the Print of the form and Save for future correspondence.

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