Bihar 4 years UG Course (BA, BSC, BCOM) Semester 2 Syllabus Download

Download the syllabus of second semester of 4 year course for all universities of Bihar. As you might know that now the graduation course in Bihar is 4 years old and semester system is implemented in it (CBCS). All the universities of Bihar including Patna University, Patliputra University, Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Bihar University, Magadh University, Bhagalpur University, Veer Kunwar Singh University etc. have the same syllabus. 

Graduation Semester 2 Syllabus

UG 2nd Semester Syllabus

Now if we talk about the session 2023-27, then the final exam or external exam of the first semester is going to be completed in about January 2024 after which semester 2 will start and obviously you will have to see the syllabus of the second semester also. If you have previously downloaded the syllabus of your subject and read it carefully, then you would know that the syllabus which was released for 4 years graduation course was for Semester 1 and 2. Meaning, if you have downloaded the PDF file, then you will get the syllabus of both the semesters in it only. Download the syllabus of second semester of 4 year course for all universities of Bihar. As you might know that now the graduation course (BA, BSC, BCOM) in Bihar is 4 years old and semester system is implemented in it (CBCS). All the universities of Bihar including Patna University, Patliputra University, Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Bihar University, Magadh University, Bhagalpur University, Veer Kunwar Singh University etc. have the same syllabus. So if you download the syllabus of your subject from anywhere, then it is obvious that it will match with your university because everyone's syllabus is the same.

"जैसा कि आप जानते होंगे कि अब बिहार में ग्रेजुएशन कोर्स (बीए, बीएससी, बीसीओएम) 4 साल का हो गया है और इसमें सेमेस्टर सिस्टम (सीबीसीएस) लागू हो गया है। पटना विश्वविद्यालय, पाटलिपुत्र विश्वविद्यालय, ललित नारायण मिथिला विश्वविद्यालय, बिहार विश्वविद्यालय, मगध विश्वविद्यालय, भागलपुर विश्वविद्यालय, वीर कुँवर सिंह विश्वविद्यालय आदि सहित बिहार के सभी विश्वविद्यालयों का पाठ्यक्रम समान है। तो अगर आप अपने विषय का सिलेबस कहीं से भी डाउनलोड करते हैं तो जाहिर सी बात है कि वह आपकी यूनिवर्सिटी से मैच करेगा क्योंकि सभी का सिलेबस एक जैसा ही है।"

The link to download subject wise UG Sem 2 syllabus is given below.

Below is the syllabus for all the subjects of BA (Bachelor of Arts), BSc (Bachelor of Science), BCom (Bachelor of Commerce)

Note: Now the same syllabus will remain for 4 year graduation course from the year 2023, it will be applicable for session 2023-27, session 2024-28, session 2025-29 and all the upcoming sessions. Unless any changes are made, the same syllabus will continue in all the universities of Bihar.

Download Link UG (Under Graduate) Syllabus

The PDF file which you will download from the link given below contains the syllabus of both Semester 1 and Semester 2. Please read the syllabus carefully after downloading the PDF.

"जो पीडीऍफ़ फाइल आप निचे दिए गए लिंक से डाउनलोड करेंगे उसमे सेमस्टर 1 और सेमेस्टर 2 दोनों का सिलेबस दिया हुआ है। कृपया कर के पीडीऍफ़ डाउनलोड करने के बाद सिलेबस को अच्छे से पढ़े। "


5B.A. B.Sc. (Math)Download
1B.Sc (Botany)Download
2B.Sc (Chemistry)Download
3B.Sc (Physics)Download
4B.Sc (Zoology)Download


5B.Com (Accounting and Finance)Download
6B.Com (HRM-Human Resource Management)Download
7B.Com (Marketing)Download


8B.A. (AIH-Ancient Indian History)Download
9B.A. (Anthroplogy)Download
10B.A. (Arabic)Download
11B.A. (Bengali)Download
12B.A. (Bhojpuri)Download
13B.A. B.Sc. (Math)Download
14B.A. (Dramatics)Download
15B.A. (Economics)Download
16B.A. (English)Download
17B.A. (Geography)Download
18B.A. (Home Science)Download
19B.A. (Hindi)Download
20B.A. (History)Download
21B.A. (LSW)Download
22B.A. (Maithili)Download
23B.A. (Music)Download
24B.A. (Pali)Download
25B.A. (Persian)Download
26B.A. (Philosophy)Download
27B.A. (Political Science)Download
28B.A. (Prakrit)Download
29B.A. (Psychology)Download
30B.A. (Rular Economics and Co-operative Management)Download
31B.A. (Sanskrit)Download
32B.A. (Sociology)Download
33B.A. (Statistics)Download
34B.A. (Urdu)Download

If you face any problem in downloading the syllabus or any link does not work, then you can contact us on the link given below.

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