LNMU Part 1 Practical exam session 2022-25, Date, Syllabus and details @lnmu.ac.in

LNMU Part 1 Practical Exam 2023Lalit Narayan Mithila University Darbhanga has released the practical exam date for undergraduate Part 1 session 2022-25.

According to the issued notice, the practical examination of Honours subject will start from 04th September and the examination of Subsidiary subject will start from 09th September.

In this post you will get the practical subject syllabus of Lalit Narayan Mithila University Darbhanga B.A/B.SC Part 1 and also some information which will be useful for you. The download link of the pdf file of the syllabus is also given below.

"LNMU पार्ट 1 प्रैक्टिकल एग्जाम २०२३ : ललित नारायण मिथिला विश्वविद्यालय दरभंगा ने स्नातक प्रथम  खण्ड सत्र 2022-25 का प्रायोगिक परीक्षा की तिथि जारी कर दी है। 

जारी किये गए नोटिस के अनुसार होनोर्स विषय के प्रायोगिक परीक्षा 4 सितम्बर  से और सब्सिडियरी विषय  की परीक्षा 9 सितम्बर से शुरू होगी। "


Part 1 practical exam date

Part 1 practical syllabus

B.A Part 1 Practical Syllabus

B.SC Part 1 Practical Syllabus

part 1 practical exam lnmu darbhanga

LNMU Part 1 Practical exam 

According to the notice issued by the Mithila university, the practical examination of Part 1 session 2022-25 will be held from 04 September to 15 September. Practical examination of Honours subject will be conducted from 04th September to 08th September and practical examination of Subsidiary/General subject will be taken from 09th September to 15th September in your own college. 

  • Subject wise practical exam date, notice will be issued by your college (विषयवार प्रैक्टिकल परीक्षा तिथि, सूचना आपके कॉलेज द्वारा जारी की जाएगी)
  • You will find below the practical exam syllabus for all subjects of B.A and B.SC.
  • What to write in the copy and how, from where to write, all the information is given below.

Practical exam date 2023

  • Honours Subject : 04.09.2023 - 08.09.2023
  • Subsidiary Subject : 09.09.2023 - 15.09.2023

" NOTE : Subject ke hisab se Practical exam ka date College ke tarf se jaari kiya jayega, sab college apna routine alag se jaari karta hai.. 4 Tarik se pahle agar aapko routine Mila to dekh lijiye or agar nhi Mila to apne college jaake jankari le lijiye" 

Exam center

  • In your own college (home center)
If there are less than 20 students in your subject in your college, then a separate exam center has been made for them, which you can see in the notice below.

"प्रैक्टिकल परीक्षा केंद्र: आपका अपना कॉलेज ही होगा परीक्षा सेंटर (होम सेंटर रहेगा )
यदि आपके कॉलेज में आपके विषय में 20 से कम छात्र हैं, तो उनके लिए एक अलग परीक्षा केंद्र बनाया गया है, जिसे आप नीचे दिए गए नोटिस में देख सकते हैं।"

If you do not understand, then you must read the notice of practical exam issued by your college.
For more information, you can message on Telegram, Facebook, Instagram of LNMU Notes

LNMU Part 1 practical exam notice 2023

How many questions to write in practical copy?

  • In a Practical Notebook you have to write 4-5 questions and answers.

Which questions to write in practical copy?

  • Syllabus is given below, you can write any questions by looking at the syllabus of your subject.

From where to write practical questions?

  • You can buy the practical book of your subject from the shop, or you can also write the practical syllabus of your subject from the internet. 

Use the one you find easier from the options given below:
First of all you have to download the syllabus because you will get the questions in it (download link is given below)
  • If you have practical book then use it
  • If your college has a library, you can borrow books from the library.
  • If there is a library in your friend's college, then you can take the help of your friend.
  • You can also write your answer by searching your question on the internet (Google/Youtube etc.).

  • "प्रैक्टिकल नोटबुक में आपको 4-5 प्रश्न और उत्तर लिखने होते हैं।
  • सिलेबस नीचे दिया गया है, आप अपने विषय के सिलेबस को देखकर कोई भी प्रश्न लिख सकते हैं।
  • यदि आपके पास प्रैक्टिकल किताब है तो उसका उपयोग करें
  • यदि आपके कॉलेज में पुस्तकालय है, तो आप पुस्तकालय से किताबें उधार ले सकते हैं।
  • अगर आपके दोस्त के कॉलेज में लाइब्रेरी है तो आप अपने दोस्त की मदद ले सकते हैं।
  • आप अपना प्रश्न इंटरनेट (गूगल/यूट्यूब आदि) पर खोजकर भी अपना उत्तर लिख सकते हैं।"

B.A Part 1 Practical Syllabus 

The subjects of arts in which there are practicals are:
  1. Psychology (Honours and Subsidiary)
  2. Home Science (Honours and Subsidiary)
  3. Geography (Honours and Subsidiary)
  4. Music (Honours and Subsidiary)

B.SC Part 1 Practical Syllabus

1. BSc Part 1 Physics Honors Practical Exam Syllabus
2. BSc Part 1 Chemistry Honors Practical Exam Syllabus
3. B.Sc Part 1 Zoology Honors Practical Exam Syllabus
4. B.Sc Part 1 Botany Honors Practical Exam Syllabus
5. BSc Part 1 Physics General/Pass Course Practical Exam Syllabus
6. B.Sc Part 1 Chemistry General/Pass Course Practical Exam Syllabus
7. BSc Part 1 Zoology General/Pass Course Practical Exam Syllabus
8. B.Sc Part 1 Botany General/Pass Course Practical Exam Syllabus


If there is any question related to practical exam or if there is any problem in downloading the syllabus, then you can contact us on the link given below.

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