Bihar Post Matric Scholarship 2024-25, online apply, documents, date, link and details

Online application for Post Matric Scholarship has been started

Bihar Post Matric Scholarship 2024-25 : Bihar Post Matric Scholarship 2024-25 is a golden opportunity for every 10th pass student who is a resident of Bihar state and wants financial assistance for higher education. In this article, we will tell you about this scheme in detail. By reading this information carefully, you will be able to fully understand the documents and process to take advantage of this scheme

"बिहार पोस्ट मैट्रिक छात्रवृत्ति 2024-25 : बिहार पोस्ट मैट्रिक छात्रवृत्ति 2024-25 हर 10वीं पास छात्र के लिए एक सुनहरा अवसर है जो बिहार राज्य का निवासी है और उच्च शिक्षा के लिए वित्तीय सहायता चाहता है। इस लेख में हम आपको इस योजना के बारे में विस्तार से बताएंगे। इस जानकारी को ध्यान से पढ़कर आप इस योजना का लाभ लेने के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेजों और प्रक्रिया को पूरी तरह समझ पाएंगे"

About Bihar Post Matric Scholarship ?

The aim of Bihar Post Matric Scholarship is to provide assistance to students from economically weaker sections to pursue higher education. Under this scheme, financial assistance is given to students from Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Backward Class (OBC), and Extremely Backward Class (EBC) so that they can continue their studies uninterrupted. A student will get the scholarship only once for each academic year.

    👉हिंदी में पढने के लिए यंहा क्लिक करे     

Eligibility Criteria: Eligibility to fill scholarship form?

Only eligible students can apply as per the advertisement of Post Matric Scholarship of Education Department, Government of Bihar.

Students applying for Bihar Post Matric Scholarship must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  • Residence: The applicant must be a permanent resident of Bihar state.
  • Educational Qualification: The student must have passed the 10th (Matriculation) examination and is currently enrolled in 11th, 12th, graduation (BA/BSC/BCOM, Etc.), post graduation (MA, MSC, MCOM, Etc.), Bachelor Of Education (B.Ed), diploma, or technical courses.
  • Income Status: The annual income of the family should be ₹3,00,000 or less (SC/ST/BUS/ABS category).
  • Caste: The applicant must be from SC/ST/OBC/EBC category.
  • Education Status: The student must be currently enrolled in a recognized institution.
How much money/scholarship is received from Bihar Post Matric Scholarship?

Bihar government provides different amount for different courses. The amount is given differently according to the admission slip and courses. For example -
Annual range:
  • Intermediate (IA/ISC/I.Com) : ₹2,000 (approx.)
  • Graduation (BA/B.Sc/B.Com) : ₹3000-5,000
  • Post Graduate (MA/M.Sc/M.Com) :  ₹3000- ₹5,000
  • B.Ed/Diploma/Polytechnic : ₹10,000 (approx.)
  • Professional Courses (Engineering/Medical) : ₹15,000 (approx.) (can differ for National Institutes)
Bihar Post Matric scholarship online apply date 2025

  • The date for inviting online applications is from 07.01.2025 to 10.03.2025.
Note : At present: PMS portal has been opened for students studying in intermediate and secondary courses registered on Shikshakosh portal. The remaining students will be informed soon for registration.

Documents Required:

Following documents valid for 2024-25 are mandatory for applying for Post Matric Scholarship application.

  1. a.) Aadhaar Card
  2. b.) Residential Certificate of Bihar
  3. c.) Caste Certificate issued by competent authority of Govt. of Bihar
  4. d.) Income Certificate [2024-25]
  5. e.) Disability Certificate [If Applicable]
  6. f.) Fee Receipt from Institution (Admission Slip)
  7. g.) Bonafide Certificate
  8. Bank Passbook
  9. Email ID (Active)
  10. Mobile Number (Active)
  11. Photo
  12. Final examination passed certificate [such as Intermediate certificate in case of first year and Graduation first certificate etc./marksheet in case of second year of graduation]

Post Matric Scholarship 2024-25 Online Apply Process

Before apply check the name of your institution in registered list of institutions [👉View Institution List, Click Here]

Note: Students whose Aadhaar is not seeded (for DBT) with your bank account should contact the bank immediately. Because Aadhaar seeding and account linking to Aadhaar are different things. Payment will not be made to those whose bank account is not seeded with Aadhaar. (👉Check Aadhaar Seeding, Click Here)

  1. Student applications for Post Matric Scholarship will be verified both by institution authorities and duly constituted committee of Govt. of Bihar.
  2. Students can register to the portal by providing details such as Name, Aadhaar Number, Date of Birth, Mobile Number and email etc.
  3. USERID and Password after successful registration will be sent to registered mobile number.
  4. After obtaining USERID and PASSWORD login to the portal and complete the form and finally submit the form.
  5. After completion of the form finally submit the application form on the portal and print a copy of the application form for future reference. No changes are allowed after finalization of the application.
  6. The student application will be duly verified by the concerned institution and it also be physically verified from institution records by a duly constituted committee of Govt. of Bihar. Only after due process laid down by Govt. of Bihar Post Matric Scholarship will be released to the bank account seeded with the Aadhaar number of the student through DBT [PFMS].

Important Links : Bihar Post Matric Scholarship 2024-25

Post Name Bihar Post Matric Scholarship 2024-25
Category Scholarship
State Bihar
Academic Year 2024-25
Course Real Article for details
Mode Online
Online Apply Date 07.01.2025 - 10.03.2025 (for Intermediate Students only)
Check Institutions/Colleges List click here
Official Website Click Here
Aadhaar Seeding Status Check Here
Check Institutions/Colleges List click here
OBC (BC/EBC) Students Registration Click Here
SC/ST Students Registration Check Here
BC/EBC Students LOGIN Click Here
SC/ST Students LOGIN Check Here

(Note:- At present, PMS portal has been opened for students studying in intermediate and equivalent courses registered on Aadhaar on e-Shikshakosh portal, remaining students will be informed soon for registration.)

In short:

Bihar Post Matric Scholarship 2024-25 is a strong support for higher education for economically weaker students. The application process under this scheme has been made simple and effective. If you fulfill all the required eligibility and documents, then it will be very easy for you to avail this scheme.

We hope that this article will prove useful for you. Share it with your friends and family so that more and more people can take advantage of this government scheme.

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